women of destiny
The Women of Destiny Women’s Ministry was established with the objective to develop, provide and promote holistic ministry opportunities to the women of Bible Way Ministries International and the surrounding community. This ministry affords women the awesome opportunity to fellowship, grow spiritually, and journey to the next dimension of experience and fulfilment in various areas of their lives. Through an exciting calendar of events throughout the year, the Women of Destiny Women’s Ministry seeks to enrich, enlighten, and empower the women of our church and our community.
The Women of Destiny Women’s Ministry exists to inspire, equip, and encourage women to know God personally; to discover and use their gifts and talents, to love and serve others; and to fully reflect the beauty of Christ in the church and in the world.
Ministry Leader:
Tameka Salley
The Women of Destiny Women’s Ministry was established with the objective to develop, provide and promote holistic ministry opportunities to the women of Bible Way Ministries International and the surrounding community. This ministry affords women the awesome opportunity to fellowship, grow spiritually, and journey to the next dimension of experience and fulfilment in various areas of their lives. Through an exciting calendar of events throughout the year, the Women of Destiny Women’s Ministry seeks to enrich, enlighten, and empower the women of our church and our community.
The Women of Destiny Women’s Ministry exists to inspire, equip, and encourage women to know God personally; to discover and use their gifts and talents, to love and serve others; and to fully reflect the beauty of Christ in the church and in the world.
Ministry Leader:
Tameka Salley

In Accordance with Titus 2:3-5, this Ministry strives to make opportunities for the missionary and mother to be helpers together with our ministers and pastors in bringing souls to Christ and comfort to those in need. To visit the nursing homes, the sick (through calls or visits), give godly council in the fear of God, and teach the younger women to be chaste, keepers at home, and so walk, shunning the very appearance of evil, that the gospel be not blasphemed.
Ministry Leader
Evelyn Manning
In Accordance with Titus 2:3-5, this Ministry strives to make opportunities for the missionary and mother to be helpers together with our ministers and pastors in bringing souls to Christ and comfort to those in need. To visit the nursing homes, the sick (through calls or visits), give godly council in the fear of God, and teach the younger women to be chaste, keepers at home, and so walk, shunning the very appearance of evil, that the gospel be not blasphemed.
Ministry Leader
Evelyn Manning

The Brotherhood Ministry
The Brotherhood is united team of men dedicated to Christ and kingdom building by providing service throughout the church and community. We are committed to improving the quality of life of men while launching key programs that foster spiritual growth, servant leadership, civic involvement and health & wellness.
The Brotherhood strives to make a vital difference in the lives of those who need us most. We invite all men of Bible Way men 18 and older to join us.
Ministry Leader
Deacon Tom Brown
The Brotherhood is united team of men dedicated to Christ and kingdom building by providing service throughout the church and community. We are committed to improving the quality of life of men while launching key programs that foster spiritual growth, servant leadership, civic involvement and health & wellness.
The Brotherhood strives to make a vital difference in the lives of those who need us most. We invite all men of Bible Way men 18 and older to join us.
Ministry Leader
Deacon Tom Brown

Seniors Ministry
Minister's Ministry
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
They are like trees planted along the riverbank, Bearing fruit in each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.—Psalms 1:3
Seasoned Saints represents seniors of all ages. Our purpose is to create increasingly deeper fellowship by encouraging our fellow Brothers and Sisters and to continue to look for opportunities to minister to others through mentoring, community outreach and adult education.
We desire to be a support to our Church leaders and at the same time we want to encourage younger leaders in their walk with the Lord, while creating a fun and engaging environment for our senior members.
Ministry Leader:
Gayle Trimble
Seasoned Saints represents seniors of all ages. Our purpose is to create increasingly deeper fellowship by encouraging our fellow Brothers and Sisters and to continue to look for opportunities to minister to others through mentoring, community outreach and adult education.
We desire to be a support to our Church leaders and at the same time we want to encourage younger leaders in their walk with the Lord, while creating a fun and engaging environment for our senior members.
Ministry Leader:
Gayle Trimble
The Ministers Ministry, is available to men and women who have identified and responded to a call into a specific area of ministry and service to the church, the community and the Kingdom of God. Ministers support the pastor and congregation through a comprehensive ministry addressing the spiritual, practical and holistic needs of the local fellowship and beyond.
Ministry Leader
Elder Tonetta Collins
The Ministers Ministry, is available to men and women who have identified and responded to a call into a specific area of ministry and service to the church, the community and the Kingdom of God. Ministers support the pastor and congregation through a comprehensive ministry addressing the spiritual, practical and holistic needs of the local fellowship and beyond.
Ministry Leader
Elder Tonetta Collins
Pastoral Intercessory Prayer Team
Purpose: To intercede for our pastors, Monte Norwood and Family.
Corporately: We are scheduled to pray 1st-3rd Wednesdays 8:15-8:45, 4th Wednesday 6-7P and 4th Saturday 10:15-11:45A and on the prayer line every other Saturday 8-8:15A.
Individually: The team is committed to pray daily & as the Lord leads for our 1st Family.
Congregational Intercessory Prayer Team
Purpose: To “Stand in the gap†(Pray) for the people, according to Ezekiel 22:30.
We are always looking for people to join the team.
Ministry Leaders
Minister Caroline Howard
Minister Hattie Way
Purpose: To intercede for our pastors, Monte Norwood and Family.
Corporately: We are scheduled to pray 1st-3rd Wednesdays 8:15-8:45, 4th Wednesday 6-7P and 4th Saturday 10:15-11:45A and on the prayer line every other Saturday 8-8:15A.
Individually: The team is committed to pray daily & as the Lord leads for our 1st Family.
Congregational Intercessory Prayer Team
Purpose: To “Stand in the gap†(Pray) for the people, according to Ezekiel 22:30.
We are always looking for people to join the team.
Ministry Leaders
Minister Caroline Howard
Minister Hattie Way

Pastor's Aide ministry
Fit-4-Life Health & Wellness Ministry
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.—3 John 1:2
To provide care and support for the pastor and his family. This includes, but is not limited to, praying for the pastor, offering verbal encouragement and voicing gratitude for the pastor’s work, and providing any tools or services needed for the pastor to better serve his congregation.
Further, the pastor’s aide committee is in charge of celebrating special events that honor the pastor. The pastor’s birthday, the pastor’s wife’s birthday, the pastor’s wedding anniversary, Father’s Day, Pastor Appreciation Day, Church Anniversaries etc.
Ministry Leader
Beverly Jones
To provide care and support for the pastor and his family. This includes, but is not limited to, praying for the pastor, offering verbal encouragement and voicing gratitude for the pastor’s work, and providing any tools or services needed for the pastor to better serve his congregation.
Further, the pastor’s aide committee is in charge of celebrating special events that honor the pastor. The pastor’s birthday, the pastor’s wife’s birthday, the pastor’s wedding anniversary, Father’s Day, Pastor Appreciation Day, Church Anniversaries etc.
Ministry Leader
Beverly Jones
Health Ministry emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit in the congregation. Healing, health and wellness are promoted among the members as well as the people in the surrounding community.
The outreach portion of the health and wellness ministry includes a partnersip with AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) providing free HIV screening and HIV education to the community.
Ministry Leaders
Gwen Coffer
Nater Stewart (HIV)
Health Ministry emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit in the congregation. Healing, health and wellness are promoted among the members as well as the people in the surrounding community.
The outreach portion of the health and wellness ministry includes a partnersip with AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) providing free HIV screening and HIV education to the community.
Ministry Leaders
Gwen Coffer
Nater Stewart (HIV)