Praise the LORD.... Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the lord. Praise ye the Lord.
Psalms 150
Under the leadership of Minister Mark Norwood, Music and Arts director, Bible Way Worship and Arts Ministry seeks to incorporate music that is theologically sound, well prepared, aesthetically excellent, and spirit-filled. The choirs are as follows:
Bible Way Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary ministers 1st,3rd, and 4th Sundays.
Adult singers of all ages are welcome.
When: Wednesdays prior to the Sunday of ministering
Time: 8:00pm or as announced
Location: Sanctuary
Mark Norwood
Maghan Holmes
Adult singers of all ages are welcome.
When: Wednesdays prior to the Sunday of ministering
Time: 8:00pm or as announced
Location: Sanctuary
Mark Norwood
Maghan Holmes
Men of Unity
The Men of Unity Ministers every 2nd Sunday
All male singers are welcome.
When: Wednesday prior to the Sunday of ministering
Time: 8:00pm or as announced
Location: Sanctuary
Mark Norwood
All male singers are welcome.
When: Wednesday prior to the Sunday of ministering
Time: 8:00pm or as announced
Location: Sanctuary
Mark Norwood
Voices of Praise (VOP)
Youth CHoir
Ages 12-26
VOP youth choir strives to exemplify a joyful expression of praise as well as a commitment to developing a deeper love and understanding of worshiping God through music. Youth ages 13-30 are welcomed to join
VOP currently ministers on 5th Sundays.
Maghan Holmes
VOP currently ministers on 5th Sundays.
Maghan Holmes

Rays of praise children's choir
Ages 4-12
dance ministry
Young Ladies Ages 5 and up
His Hands Mime
Young Men Ages 5 and up
The Rays of Praise Children's choir strives to create an environment where the children can participate in the worship and develop a love and understanding of worshiping God through music. Rays of Praise ministers on 4th and 5th Sundays.
Kathy Vaughn
Kathy Vaughn
Enhancing the worship experience through dance. Rejoice is open to dancers ages 5 through adult.
Stephanie Valentine
Stephanie Valentine
Enhancing the worship experience through Mime. His Hands Mime ministry is open to mimers aged 6 through adult.
Stephanie Valentine
Stephanie Valentine
Acts of faith drama ministry
To minister to the believer as well as the unbeliever through various plays and skits, making a connection between the audience and a story that brings out the circumstances of life and shows them that there is hope through Christ Jesus.
Volunteers of all ages and skill levels welcome.
Tiffany Jones-Sutherland
Volunteers of all ages and skill levels welcome.
Tiffany Jones-Sutherland