How it all started...
Bible Way Ministries had its beginning in the late 1930’s in the work of Mother Darthula Norwood, Mother Fannie Norwood and Mother Gladys Smith. Praying women of God who visited the sick, had house to house prayer meetings and shared the message of salvation. Mr. Newton “Newt” Knox, admired the work of the women and made a plot of land available for a church building.
Brother Robert Norwood, Sr. with the other workers constructed a small wooden structure which served as the first meeting place for this small group of believers. Mt. Sinai was the name given to this fellowship. For those early years, Elder William Palmore, a devout servant of God, served as the first pastor. He was followed by Elder Gilliam who pastored for several years under the auspices of the Church of God in Christ. In subsequent years the saints came into knowledge of the baptism in the name Lord Jesus Christ and aligned themselves with the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith.
Brother Robert Norwood, Sr. with the other workers constructed a small wooden structure which served as the first meeting place for this small group of believers. Mt. Sinai was the name given to this fellowship. For those early years, Elder William Palmore, a devout servant of God, served as the first pastor. He was followed by Elder Gilliam who pastored for several years under the auspices of the Church of God in Christ. In subsequent years the saints came into knowledge of the baptism in the name Lord Jesus Christ and aligned themselves with the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith.
A block church building was constructed in 1946 to accommodate the growing church and Elder Isaiah W. Bollinger became the pastor. The Prayer Band continued their service to the community with house to house prayer and visitation of the sick and shut-in. Following the example of these faithful prayer warriors, members of Bible Way learned to pray. Through prayer the sick were healed, those with problems were comforted, those in need were assisted, families were helped, relationships mended, hopes and dreams were revitalized.
In 1962 when in need of a pastor, Bishop Matthew Norwood was appointed. Bishop Sylvester Norwood served as assistant pastor and shortly thereafter he began a ministry in Augusta, Georgia. For many years, Minister Nathaniel Moton served in the ministry of helps to Bible Way Church.
Within a year, the Lord was leading to build a new edifice comparable to the growing congregation and the growing community. Brother Robert Norwood, general contractor for the building, served without pay in his great desire to see the house of the Lord built. The Outreach Ministry with door to door witnessing continued. A radio broadcast was begun along with Vacation Bible School, extension Sunday School in neighboring communities and street services. Systematic Bible Study was initiated.
Within a year, the Lord was leading to build a new edifice comparable to the growing congregation and the growing community. Brother Robert Norwood, general contractor for the building, served without pay in his great desire to see the house of the Lord built. The Outreach Ministry with door to door witnessing continued. A radio broadcast was begun along with Vacation Bible School, extension Sunday School in neighboring communities and street services. Systematic Bible Study was initiated.
In 1963 the saints celebrated with great joy the dedication of the new sanctuary with classrooms, offices and a fellowship hall to accommodate the needs of the growing fellowship in the midst of a growing community.
As the church continued to grow and prosper in the Lord, it became apparent that it was time to build again. The Lord gave “THE VISION” to the pastor to serve the community and the word with an edifice seating 1000 – 1500, an education facility to teach our children using biblically-based principles, a family life center to provide Christ-centered activities, a senior care facility providing care and nurturing from birth to death.
As the church continued to grow and prosper in the Lord, it became apparent that it was time to build again. The Lord gave “THE VISION” to the pastor to serve the community and the word with an edifice seating 1000 – 1500, an education facility to teach our children using biblically-based principles, a family life center to provide Christ-centered activities, a senior care facility providing care and nurturing from birth to death.
The Lord gave our Pastors, Dr. Matthew Norwood and the late Lady Miriam Norwood “THE VISION” that stretches our faith, but like Abraham are fully persuaded that what God has promised, He is fully able to perform. The face of today’s church is changing radically. Increasingly, parishioners come from families with diverse and cultural backgrounds.
Hear more about our founding members, as well as other instrumentAl Leaders & Members
(Click on the pictures for a short audio biography)

Newton "Newt" Knox
Expanding the vision...
In 2006 Dr. Monte E. Norwood became Senior Pastor and Spiritual Leader. He is a trained, consecrated, praying man of God. He esteems the Word of God highly.
Today, under the dynamic leadership of our Pastor, Dr. Monte E. Norwood, and with the prayerful support of its members, Bible Way Ministries is continuing in its evangelistic ministries to reach the community and the city of Atlanta with the gospel. We have been in ministry for the Kingdom of God for over 70 years.
Today, under the dynamic leadership of our Pastor, Dr. Monte E. Norwood, and with the prayerful support of its members, Bible Way Ministries is continuing in its evangelistic ministries to reach the community and the city of Atlanta with the gospel. We have been in ministry for the Kingdom of God for over 70 years.

Where we are headed...
Update coming soon!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9 am for Sunday School and Sunday Worship at 10 am.